总排名:第 4545 名
人气值:6084 次FC上最经典的游戏之一,主角的女朋友被敌方忍者抓走了,为了救出爱人,带着手里剑和镰刀,踏上了战斗之路!游戏共有3周目,每周目共4小关,每一周目关卡的难度会提升,不过场景不变!
Kage no Densetsu (else 15).7z
Kage no Densetsu (J) [o1].nes
Kage no Densetsu (J) [o2].nes
Kage no Densetsu (J) [p1].nes
Kage no Densetsu (J) [t1].nes
Legend of Hage, The by Mogemogesama (Kage no Densetsu Hack).nes
Legend of Kage, The (U) [b1].nes
Legend of Kage, The (U) [o1].nes
Legend of Kage, The (U) [o2].nes
Legend of Kage, The (U) [o3].nes
Legend of Kage, The (U) [o4].nes
Legend of Kage, The (U) [T+Rus].nes
Legend of Sean, The (Master Chu & The Drunkard Hu Hack).nes
Ralph Belmondo Densetsu by Redrum (Legend of Kage Hack) [a1].nes
Ralph Belmondo Densetsu by Redrum (Legend of Kage Hack) [b1].nes
Ralph Belmondo Densetsu by Redrum (Legend of Kage Hack).nes